“You don’t have to burn books to destroy a culture. Just get people to stop reading them.” This quote by Ray Bradbury challenges us to ask ourselves some very important questions about whether we are reading today. Are we destroying a great culture by not reading the books provided about it? Are we gaining the knowledge gleaned from a thousand minds on what we stand for? It’s very important to ask ourselves these questions today as television and social media become more and more prevalent. I want to encourage you to read more, not just texts, tweets,
Gene Veith, a professor of literature says “reading can break us out of the tunnel vision of the narrow specialty and lead us into many intriguing avenues of thought.” Reading breaks us out of our tunnel vision, it opens our eyes to new ideas and different ways of thinking. Rene Descartes a French scientist said “the reading of all good books is like a conversation with the finest minds of the past centuries." When people write books, they are passing down their knowledge and experience, and you get to receive it. Obviously reading Plato or Aristotle will teach you something, but even Jane Austen, Louisa May Alcott, and Lucy Montgomery have something to convey, a message that they want you to hear. You have an opportunity to know what some of the smartest people in the world think (or thought) about the world.
And yet, we often don't take advantage of it. Many of us think we don't have enough time to read, and that may be true. But you should make time. Time doesn't just appear, we have to manage our time to make room for what is important. Reading is one of those things. More and more research is showing that the very act of reading has powerful effects on the brain, both now and in the future. Because it calls into play several areas of the brain reading demands more then processing images or speech, reading assists brain development and makes you think. Do you want to speak eloquently? Read. Want to expand your vocabulary? Read. You should read about our history, read about theology, read about economics. The Committee for Economic Development, did a survey to find out what sort of mental capacities were considered the most important in business. The most important thing was “high level of literacy”. Understanding the meaning of what you read is a vital skill with many rewards. Our culture, our history, and our beliefs are contained inside of some of the best pieces of literature ever written. It's important that we make use of it.
We have a wealth of knowledge at our fingertips, and most of us ignore it every day. There are more than 160 million books printed in English. So even if you read three books every day for a hundred years, you still would have read only half of them, you would have only scratched the surface of literature. There are so many books that could change your life, so read them, they are important. During World War Two, books were burned, knowledge that we have today was sought after and destroyed. Why? Because knowledge IS power! We are squandering our chance to seize that power. The Nazis viewed literature as important, and I generally wouldn't suggest taking tips from the Nazis, but they made a good point: books are important. Use them. (Not in the same way the Nazis did obviously.)
William Goodwin says “He that loves reading has everything in his reach,” If you're bored, entertainment is only a few pages away. When you need a good story, to cheer you up, to make you cry, or to educate you, go read. It's that simple. Stop turning to Facebook for all that. Don't just text someone. Don't rely on blogs Twitter for advice. Go pick up a book. Need some recommendations? Here are 5 of my favorites:
1. Alas, Babylon by Pat Frank
2. Hope was here by Joan Bauer
3. The Chosen by Chaim Potok
4. Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand
5. The Contender by Robert Lipsyte
These are just a few of the many, many books I would suggest you read. These are books that have taught and inspired me. These are the books that I read over and over again. Make time in your life to read. If you read anyway, great! Go inspire someone else to pick up a book. Out of the millions of books in print today, there are ones that can change the way you think and broaden your knowledge. Don't stop looking for them.