Who I am

Hello! My name is Elaine Csoros, I'm 18 and I am a Christian writer living in Kansas. Currently, I take online classes through Liberty University and have 1 semester (6 classes!!) left before I get my Bachelor's degree in Business Administration. I work as a gymnastics coach at a local gym and I absolutely love my job. Reading, writing, talking, and teaching are all passions of mine. From a very early age I have loved words. That love has always led me to write whenever I can, now I want to share some of those words with you. This blog is about me, my life, and what I've learned. And yet, I don't want to be the focus of what I write. This blog is for the girl who is struggling to know she is loved. It's for the boy who thinks he can't keep going. I write for the adult wanting to grow on their walk of sanctification, for the parent who wants insight into the struggles of their child, for the atheist and Christian alike. It's for those who stay hidden in the corner, the ones who feel lost, the courageous and the doubtful, the faithful and the hurting. I created this blog to give myself a voice, and in doing so to speak for those who don't speak up for themselves. My dream is for that voice to inspire hundreds of people one day. If you're reading this, I rejoice because I know God brought you here for a reason. It is not about me, I want to inspire you, the reader. I want to inspire others to take a stand and seize hope. I want to shine light into dark days. And I want to challenge YOU to shine light. Throughout my posts there will always be a message, I hope they are able to encourage you regardless of where you are and what you're going through.

Please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions, comments, struggles, or just to chat. You can email me at fliptumblespeak@gmail.com or leave a comment. I want to help, encourage, and love you in whatever way I can.

You are priceless. You are loved. You are enough. So hold your chin up and have the courage it takes to continue shining a light in this dark world.

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