I believe that God is good and that in pursuing Him with all that we are we will find all the good there is to be found.
In knowing Him, there is love, joy, peace, confidence, hope, and all pure things, unstained by the world and able to overcome sin. The weapons that we wage war with all find their cause in Him, even the desire to fight the war comes from the God who knows no defeat. He is victorious and the faith placed in Him will never disappoint us.
So where is He now? When our hearts are burdened and all we know is that we are tired- tired emotionally, spiritually, mentally, physically- in every way exhausted beyond what we thought we could take, where is the God who promises rest and reward?
He feels distant.
But that God is not limited to how we feel or what we think of Him. He sits in the heavens, yes. But He is also 3 in 1. Even now His Spirit- The Living God- is in my body as a temple. His Son is actively advocating for us. God the Father is listening to us, speaking through us, and working in us. He is found in the notes of Amazing Grace filling the hallway, the whispered prayer before bed and the guilt over sin. He hears every "Jesus, help me", counts every tear and knows every thought. God is found in every word of the Bible, He is seen in every paragraph, passage, and plea.
Since He is omnipresent, pursuing Him, knowing Him and loving Him is as simple as seeking Him. The smallest effort is rewarded and leaves us with a desire for more. That desire drives transformation. The ones who hate early mornings are now up before everyone else, people who never read begin to love His book, those who never speak now can't stop talking about God's goodness.
This is the power of pursuit. Seeking God changes us.
His word does not return void but accomplishes the purpose that it was sent for. "What can be known about God is plain to them" (Romans 1:19. Friends, there is no excuse to not pursue Him. And with that pursuit comes a deep thirst for more. Our king and our Father wants us to know Him. That is why theology is not just for pastors, scholars, or counselors- it is for those that love and want to know God. At the same time, the Gospel and very basics of faith is not just for children or new believers- it is for all those who love and want to know God.
The more I share the Gospel or give my testimony the more I am remembering and dwelling on who God is and what He has done, this in turn deepens my faith and drives me to know more. And knowing more doesn't have to come from hours of reading commentaries, sitting through lectures, or reading Augustine or Piper. Knowledge comes from God's word. That is all that is needed. Pray, open your Bible and read, then pray. That is pursuit. And it brings joy, peace, and wisdom.
God is here. Do you see Him? Are you seeking? Start now. He is not slow as some count slowness. He wants to use your life to bring others to repentance. Are you willing to be used by Him? He is waiting.
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