Monday, August 19, 2019

The shelter of His presence

My thoughts were everywhere this week, but I kept coming back to one theme. I didn't conclude anything incredibly life changing, no amazing life lesson dawned on me, and I have no words of wisdom for you. All I have are thoughts that kept me awed and captivated all week. Wanting a place to write them, I created this post not with the intent to educate or inspire but rather to ask questions and hopefully make you think. The theme I kept dwelling on is safety. Specifically, safety in the shelter of His presence and the shadow of His wings.

Reading Psalm 17 last Monday night, I came to verse 8, where David is crying out to God for help and writes, "Hide me in the shadow of your wings."

This idea repeats itself multiple times throughout the Old Testament:  

Psalm 91:1 "He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High Will abide in the shadow of the Almighty." 

Psalm 63:7 "For you have been my help, and in the shadow of your wings I will sing for joy." 

Ruth 2:12; "The Lord repay you for what you have done, and a full reward be given you by the Lord, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge!”

This idea of taking shelter in the Lord really caught my attention. I started thinking that we hide behind a lot of things: our job, our hobby, friends, family, fame, grades. None of those things are inherently bad, but when we run to them for escape or to justify something then they simply offer a false sense of security. Maybe we should stop worrying so much about our physical or emotional safety and get a lot more concerned with our spiritual safety. Because if our life isn't hidden in the shelter of the Most High then we should fear something a lot worse than earthly physical pain, or even, death. Not to say that we should throw caution to the winds, but it is safe to say we can't stop bad things from happening to us no matter how careful we are. In light of the recent tragedies our nation has suffered, we can reaffirm that the only true safety is in the shelter of the Most High. 

When you are upset, what's the first thing you do? Unfortunately, I've found myself coping with pain recently in every way except the way I should have. My shelter has been words or physical pain or friends. This week I was reminded that I need to run to God first. When my world is rocked, when stress threatens to pull me under and I feel hopeless, I remind myself that I am safe in the shelter and shadow that God has given me. 

There is comfort and joy in the shadow of His wings. It is amazing to know that we can never flee from His presence. He doesn't just shelter us sometimes, God is always with us to strengthen us and offer peace. It's like we have a little protective bubble surrounding us, guarding our heart, soothing our pain with words of love. We are safe. He is always a safe place for us.

Those were my scattered thoughts, thanks for sticking with me and reading them all. I hope I made you think, I hope I reminded you of the truth of our relationship with God. These ideas have impacted me in the last few weeks so I hope have they have some effect on your life. If you are a child of God, know that no matter what, you are safe, held close in the shelter of His presence and the shadow of His wings. 

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