Monday, October 8, 2018

Unnoticed is ok

Some people stand out. You know, the kind of people where you walk into a room and immediately notice them. The people who seem to be everywhere and meet everyone.

And then some of us aren't like that. Some people just aren't noticed that much, or at least feel that way. These people with quiet spirits and subdued speech just don't seem to get much attention. Most of those people are introverts, who watch the world without interjection. And I'm sure at some point, whether introvert or extrovert, you have felt this way as well. Overlooked by society, left out of the popular circles, unknown by the "cool kids". And it can feel pretty tough to be unnoticed. In fact, some people make it their goal to become liked simply so they don't have to deal with the pain of being unnoticed.

 That's wrong.

I believe that being unnoticed is ok, even good. There's a few reasons for that. 

Being in the background means less pressure. Honestly, if no one really pays much attention to you then you can be absorbed in your own thoughts, or caught up in a book, and no one even realizes you really aren't paying attention. Going unnoticed gives you freedom to enjoy yourself without being judged as much as the popular kids.

 I think that if you are unnoticed then you know what it feels like, so you notice. Because you aren't seen, you can spend more time seeing. When you're unnoticed you relate better to people who also feel left out, you can impact their lives. Those who are less popular are in a good place to serve others. In fact, people who serve others should be unnoticed. In fact, people who serve others should go unnoticed. Mathew 6:3-4 says, "But when you give to the poor, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving will be in secret; and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you." Our giving should always be in secret, so going unnoticed is ok.

But I know, feeling overlooked can hurt. Standing in a crowded room watching everyone talk and laugh is hard, it can make you feel unloved. Sitting alone in a row of chairs can make you think you are forgotten. And at some point, everyone has felt that pain. Everyone addresses it in a different way, some people seek popularity, others embrace the loneliness. But I would suggest that if you feel like you are unnoticed, you should use it to serve others. You are put in the place you are in for a reason. You were made for a purpose only you can fulfill. If you are unnoticed by everyone, then there is a good reason for it. If you look at it in the wrong light and view it as painful and pitiful then that's what it will be. But if you see it as an opportunity.....the possibilities are endless. 

Maye you're not one of these people, maybe you're a popular person and cant relate to the people who blend in to the background. If so, then here's a quick word of advice for you: Make A Difference. You also have a platform, people are watching you to see what is "cool", use that to shine a light into people's day. Notice the people who go unnoticed and remind them that they are special too. 

Some people are just overlooked by society, that's ok. Don't see it as a problem, use it as a solution. No matter where you are, who you are, or how popular you are, you are where you are to do something only you can do. So, do it. I know what it feels like to be unnoticed, I know that others feel the same way. And I know that unnoticed is ok.

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