I know I've told you guys a little about me in this post. But I thought it would be
cool to talk a little more about my personality and what that means for me.
Also, this may be important for a later post....so stay tuned.
I've mentioned
many times before that I'm an introvert, but there's parts of my personality
that seem pretty cool.
I'm an INTP on the
Myers-Briggs personality test. That means I'm Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Perceiving. Humanetrics.com says, "INTPs are pensive, analytical folks.
They may venture so deeply into thought as to seem detached, and often actually
are oblivious to the world around them." That sums me up pretty well.
People think I'm not paying attention, when really I'm just thinking more
deeply about what they're saying. INTP's also tend to see things as what they
could be, we search for how things could be improved, we find the possibility
for improvement in every thing. I'm shy about meeting new people, but I can be
very self-confident around those who I know.
Basically, I can
seem pretty withdrawn around lot's of people and knowledge is one of the most
important thigs to me. But there is another personality test called the
Enneagram, which also gives an accurate description of my personality. I'm a
type 5, an Investigator. Investigators have a need for knowledge and are introverted,
curious, analytical, and insightful. That's me in a nutshell. The hard parts
about being a 5 are feeling lost when I'm in a crowd, wanting to voice my
opinions but not wanting to stand out, and people telling me I seem distant or
arrogant because I struggle with connecting with people.
The similarities
between me and these analysis' of me are pretty amazing. Really, both types of
personality tests lent the same result for me, I'm introverted and I love facts
and knowledge. These tests can be very useful, they don't just show me what I
like, they also pinpoint my weaknesses. They reveal what I need to work on.
This is my personality, but I can change the bad parts. I'm not confined to
remaining like this
For some people,
personality tests aren't at all accurate. But it was pretty accurate for me so
I enjoyed it. You're probably wondering what the takeaway is, why did I even
bother to write this? I kinda just wanted to have fun, let y'all get to know me
a little better. It's also going to be important in next week's post. I also want to point out that, whatever our personality, God designed us specially and beautifully. 1st Corinthians 15:10 says, "But by the grace of God I am what I am." And Psalm 139:14 tells us that we are, "Fearfully and wonderfully made." We are exactly what God meant us to be. It's pretty neat to look at all the personality types and the differences in the people that God made and look at ourselves and realize that we are His wonderful creation. And when we look at who we are, we must remember that this is what we are by the grace of God.
You guys should take the tests and let me know what you are. If there's any INTP's or type 5's reading this I would really like to know. Here's the link for the Myers-Briggs test and to take the Enneagram you can go here. Take them, analyze if it's accurate at all, and let me know!
You guys should take the tests and let me know what you are. If there's any INTP's or type 5's reading this I would really like to know. Here's the link for the Myers-Briggs test and to take the Enneagram you can go here. Take them, analyze if it's accurate at all, and let me know!
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