Shake a hand, fake a smile, make a friend.Friends ask “are you okay, can I pray” but no.
“No”, shake your head no, no prayer request, no sign of you about to break,
break like a phone dropped on street, like your voice with every new person you meet.
Meet them all, wave like you know them all, pretend you’re strong enough, don’t make that phone call
Call, answer their call, pick up the phone and make your voice bright, make everything light.
Light is for those walking in Christ but with every breath your faith shakes,
shake under the weight, a hundred thousand pounds on your back.
Back to where you were a lifetime ago, one step forward and two in reverse.
Reverse time in your mind to when fear didn’t make you shake.
Shake off the pain, the doubt, the hurt, hide it in a closet with the sin that’s been hidden for so long.
Long to shake it all off like a Taylor Swift song,
songs play on repeat in your head, their fast beat keeps you out of bed and on the move.
Move into a room and your hands shake,
shake their hand, shake your head "no", shake it off… STOP
Stop living that script.
Shake their perceptions of you like an earthquake that shatters their world of perfection they’ve put you in.
Shake a hand and tell them you’re not brave.
Brave a hug, hug someone tight until your breath doesn’t shake, request an honest prayer today.
Today, walk with Christ and He will show you the light.
Light is for you- you anxious and scared and hurting and….unshaken.
Unshaken and unshakable- that is your name,
name Jesus as King and you have for your soul a forever anchor.
Anchors don’t move under the weight of your doubt,
doubt turns to belief when you take it before your King.
Kings, judges, people, parents, jerks, friends, their heart is a stream of water in His hand.
Hand everything to Him, yes be honest! He doesn’t care that your voice shakes,
shake the gates of heaven and cry out with what shakes your soul.
Souls like yours were granted access to God’s throne so at His feet take a seat.
Seat no other desire in your heart but to know Him better.
Better is He than all the fool’s gold that causes you anxiety.
Anxiety must always bow a knee before the voice of our King.
King, Christ, Creator, Savior, at His command what makes you quake shakes loose it’s grip and you can throw off its chains and stand firm without shaking.