Thursday, February 14, 2019

I'm thankful for....

Every day, we are faced with choices. One of those choices is what sort of attitude we are going to have about life. We can always choose to complain about life and bemoan what we don't have. Or we can be thankful. On a day when much of the world is looking at what they don't have, let's take a moment to be thankful for what we do have. Here is a list, though not an exhaustive one, of things I am thankful for:

God's love
Mercy that is new every morning
Country music
New friends and old friends
Friends who know exactly what you need to hear
People who are chivalrous
People who teach you an unexpected lesson
People who show unexpected kindness
People who remember my name
Feeling understood
Speech and debate
The confidence I've gained in the last few months
Real smiles
Whenever there is openness and honesty 
Books that make me cry
Deep conversations
Songs that describe my life or what I'm feeling
People who comment on my blog
Ice cream
Coaching gymnastics
Good jokes
Blimey Cow
Uplifting phone calls
Time with people I love
Being able to drive
Encouraging notes
Productive days
The opportunity to speak in front of people

I have a challenge for you. Today, make a list of at least ten things that you are thankful for. I promise it will make your day better, and challenge a friend to do the same. Let's take today to count our blessings and dwell on the positive things in our life.

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