This year, I set a goal
for myself. I guess you could call it a New Year's resolution. I decided that
the theme of my year was going to be trust and I would dedicate myself to
learning what trust was and how to trust. I am now 55 days into this journey and
thought I would write a little bit about what trust means to me.
Life is a battle, and a
perfect soldier could fight it alone and survive. But none of us are perfect.
We will get wounded, cracks will appear in our armor. In order to survive we
will have to surround ourselves with people who can cover for us when we are
down. By fighting in a group, we can all make it through. But that requires
finding people who won't stab you in the back while you're preoccupied. It
requires trusting others to fight for you when you're momentarily incapable of
defending yourself. When we put our trust in the right people and we fight with
them and for them, we can win. In this battle of life, trust is a
Unfortunately, there are
numerous reasons that we could struggle with trust. Pride can get in our way,
telling us that we don't need other people. Or fear can stop us from trusting
by telling us that someone will let us down or hurt us. Pain from past hurts
can prevent us from trusting. Anxiety about the unknowns of the future also
stops us. All of these things are sins that worm their way into our lives and
prevent us from living it with friends and family as our support. And if we let
them conquer us, we will live lives of stress, anxiety, fear, and loneliness because
we can't trust others to help carry our burdens. In order to give up control
and take a step back, we need to trust other people.
That was just a overview of my thoughts on trust and what it is and what it means for me. I hope to go more in depth in later posts. Trust has always been hard for me. I've struggled with loneliness as a result of not trusting others, with anxiety as a result of not trusting God, and with frustration as a result of not being trustworthy. Throughout this year, my focus is to learn about trust and how to apply it more in my life. I hope something I have said so far has connected with you or given you joy in some way. Please comment or contact me somehow and let me know what you thought of this post, I want to hear from you. And as always I would love to hear a little about you and what you're going through. But most importantly, trust. Trust the people around you so that they can fight for you in this battle of life. And trust God so that you can be filled with peace.
For the longest time, I
couldn't trust others. I didn't want to. I have always been wary of people and
I believed I didn't need to. As a result, I never formed friendships. I
struggled alone. If anyone got too close, I would push them away. I wasn't
mean, I was friendly with people, but I never let anyone truly get to know me.
Then finally I was forced to ask myself why I was living that way. And I found
that I didn't trust others so I kept them from getting too close to me. As I
realized that, I slowly began to let people in. I began opening up and making
real friends. I am still learning how to trust others, but I have discovered
that people are trustworthy and that we need to trust. For the first time I’m
learning what trust is because I’m seeing the damaging effects of an inability
to trust. In the last few months I've been able to look at the people around me
and see that they aren't struggling alone because they trust others to help
them. And I've tried to trust as well.
I've also found that trusting the right people is often a matter of trial and
error. It's hard to know who to trust until you actually trust them. I mean
sure, you can estimate, based on what you know and what you see, who is
trustworthy, but you won't always be right. And sometimes we are let down. Or
betrayed. That hurts. But sometimes we're pleasantly surprised and find
freedom we never thought was possible simply because we trusted someone.
As an introvert though, I often get annoyed (unjustly) with people. In those
situations when we just can't find ourselves looking to people to trust or have
been let down too many times, we can always trust God. We are told to trust Him
with our lives, our decisions, and with our problems. One of my favorite verses
is Philippians 4:6-7 which says, "Be anxious for nothing, but in
everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be
made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding,
will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." Trusting God gives
us peace. We simply have to let Him have our worries and our doubts, we can run
to Him in prayer, and He will bring us peace. Jeremiah 17:7-8 says, “But
blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. They will
be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream.” I'm learning to run to God
with my anxiety and my fears and trust Him to lead me through.
I've touched on learning
to trust people and trusting God, but there's one more aspect of trust that I also
really wanted to focus on this year. One that I've mentioned in a few posts,
but that gives me something to think about every time I'm around others. And
that is becoming worthy of trust. I want to be a person that others can trust
and open up to. Trust is something that takes a long time to build. A lot of
right decisions, right moves, right words go into becoming trustworthy. But one
wrong move brings it crashing down. It's said that trust takes years to build, moments to break, and forever to repair. That's why I want to put more thoughts into
my actions and words. I want to consider the effects that my actions may have
on others. I want to be trustworthy.
That was just a overview of my thoughts on trust and what it is and what it means for me. I hope to go more in depth in later posts. Trust has always been hard for me. I've struggled with loneliness as a result of not trusting others, with anxiety as a result of not trusting God, and with frustration as a result of not being trustworthy. Throughout this year, my focus is to learn about trust and how to apply it more in my life. I hope something I have said so far has connected with you or given you joy in some way. Please comment or contact me somehow and let me know what you thought of this post, I want to hear from you. And as always I would love to hear a little about you and what you're going through. But most importantly, trust. Trust the people around you so that they can fight for you in this battle of life. And trust God so that you can be filled with peace.