Monday, February 17, 2020

Another attempt at poetry

I tried my hand at poetry again. This first one is written from the perspective of God. I’m calling you:

Oh daughter, 
What have you done?
Never enough to remove my love,
But sin causes you so much pain.
I never wanted this for you. 
Just ask Me, and it will be forgiven
Seek Me, and you will find joy
Walk faithfully, and I will reward.
Oh beloved, 
Why did you run?
You heard My voice and acknowledged Me.
Like Peter, repeatedly you denied Me.
I never left your side, I never will
I have a plan and it will be fulfilled.
This pain? It’s temporary,
I have claimed the victory. 
Oh princess,
Where did you flee?
The lies that you believed said that
You weren’t priceless. Don’t believe them.
I am your King.
I didn't just give you a list of rules, 
Grace and truth armed you. My Spirit filled you.
An army of 10,000 isn’t stronger than
Those that put faith in Me. 
Oh friend,
Won’t you come home?
Bow your head, close your eyes,
Talk to Me. 
How many people have you asked to pray?
And how many prayers have you actually said?
They bend My ear on your behalf,
When I want to hear your voice again.
All around you can see My hand,
Listen close, you will hear My voice.
Daughter, Beloved, Princess, Friend,
I am calling you.
Come to Me. I will give you rest. 


Here in the darkness
blinded by terror 
can’t stop shaking.
My words rise rapidly turning in my heart
filling my head churning round and round
spilling out in questions.
Mumbled prayers that don’t go past the walls.
Prayers that hardly pass my lips before
I’m on to the next subject.
Mind spinning fast
spitting worst case situations at me
Everything in crisis mode.
I can’t breathe.

On my knees.
Searching for the light. 
Opening my eyes to Christ
When I shake, He holds me tight.
My words are known before I speak
because of God, my heart beats.
He knows it. He knows my thoughts.
The world spins round and round all
because of Him.
Spilling out His son’s blood for me
He showed me love beyond understanding.
The prayers that come in waves are heard
by my Creator. 
The wind that shakes me and steals my breath
it is controlled by Him.
In this storm, He is my shelter.
Even now, I breathe His name
I speak His words
I hear His wisdom.
My worst case scenario is already known
and the reality will be a better situation
then I could have hoped.
Because of Him, I can breathe.

Monday, February 10, 2020

A light at the end

I'm in the dark.
The saying about seeing the light at the end of the tunnel is not relatable at the moment. The only light I can see is the headlights of the train that is about to hit me, knock me down, and run me over.
But you know what?
I have a Savior that jumped in front of every trial and storm and temptation that would ever hit me. A Messiah that took the stripes on His back and the thorns in His brow for me. And Jesus will be my light and my guide. In Him I have hope.

Storms often blindside us and we occasionally feel like life really sucks. We live in a fallen world and sometimes it can seem like hell. But when you are going through hell, keep going. I like to see the light at the end, I like to be able to plan and know that I will be ok. Maybe you're the same way. Faith isn't about having the answers though. It's more of a trust fall. And I am falling fast. At the last second, even when everything seems hopeless, we are caught by Christ. The power of His truth illuminates our life. So I will take life one day at a time. I will get out of bed in the morning and pray, "Lord, give me the strength to trust you today", I will look for the ways He is moving in my life and see every situation by the light of His truth. Because of what Christ has done for me, I know the big picture will conclude with every tear being wiped away.

The train that is about to hit you is in your life for a reason. Maybe it's because you are relying on seeing the big picture in your life, seeing your plans and your hopes be fulfilled. Maybe it's because you need to take a leap of faith and trust that you will be caught. Maybe you need to close your eyes to your desire for control and see only the light of Christ as He guides your steps. Because He is guiding you, He will catch you, and He has plans that are better for you than you could ever dream. I know I write about hope a lot, but it is an important truth to cling to. Don't give up hope. Read Scriptures, quotes, and whatever else you can that gives you real, true hope. Cling to that with everything you have.

I still don't have the answers, I am still asking God why, what, and how. I am still terrified of the train that I see coming and know will hit me hard. But I have hope. The Savior that jumped in front of death for me will walk beside me through this tunnel. And in His strength, I will make it to the end.