Monday, May 13, 2019

Random Thoughts

This week I had a bunch I wanted to write about, but I couldn't condense it into one topic. I really wanted to post though, so here's a bunch of random thoughts of mine. Maybe you'll relate to some, laugh over others, or even learn something new. Who knows? But I would really appreciate you letting me know what you thought in the comments section and sending this post to a friend or two. Thanks!
Dear friend,
You could never understand how much of an inspiration you've been to me. I love hanging out with you and the way you always make me feel wanted. Seeing you go through a hard time is tough, I know you're strong enough to make it through this though. Persevere, never give up, cling to hope. Smile and remember that there is joy. Please know that I'm always here for you, if you reach out for help I'd be there in a heartbeat. Remember that you're not alone. I wish I could lift you up like you've lifted me up so many times. Stay strong.

It's been a year. A year and one week to be exact. For one year now I have coached gymnastics, and honestly it's changed me so much. I've had to do things in never imagined doing and learned a lot. And I've had the privilege of watching so many kids grow. Throughout this year, I have coached hundreds of kids and been able to see myself through their eyes. I realized that I am leaving a legacy on them. And my legacy is a lot more than "the coach who tells jokes" or "that coach who let's us on the trampoline". The impact I try to make goes deeper than that. I hope that I leave a legacy of being the coach who will make you smile, the coach who never forgets a name, a coach who is worth imitating.


Why do I write?
Because I have so much to say, but no one to talk to.
Because my emotions need an outlet, and yet I am trapped in my room.
I feel hidden, yet words give me courage.
I'm always in the shadows, but I want a platform.
Words come easy to me, but speaking them is a struggle.
Conversations are great, but don't portray the depth of my ideas.
My thoughts are constantly moving and it seems like everyone else goes too slowly.
I really need to write, it's my way of thinking clearly, the emotions build up constantly.
The world is so confusing, but it sorts itself out on paper when you just put thoughts into words. 
But I think I write also because I want to make an impact. I want to inspire people. I want to feel close to people. I want to help people who struggle with things I struggled with. I never want people to feel unwanted. I want people to feel understood. And I want to be understood. Words are my way of doing that.

We all hold on to burdens for too long. And then they become a part of us and influence decisions, until we hardly recognize that they are there. The reality is that we all go through hard times. We all experience pain that we think is unbearable. Then we become victims, clinging to our pain, refusing to move on. Until our identity is wrapped up in that childhood wound. This way, we will never find peace. We have to realize that our pain doesn't make us unique. No, we are unique because of how we choose to deal with that pain. Our reactions to hardship make us who we are, not the hardship itself. So let go. Acknowledge what happened and move on. Find peace and reclaim your identity. React to your hardships by pushing through them and putting them behind you. Let go.

The future is a scary thought. Graduations are coming up and we're watching people leave, life is changing, we are almost done with another year of school. Everyone wants to change the world, but few people actually have a practical plan to do that. What will you choose to do? The future isn't that scary if you know what you want to accomplish and how to accomplish it. You have a life that you can make an impact with. The future is yours for the taking, what are you gonna do with it? I hope you choose to influence lives and change the world.

People are so interesting. And it's weird how I can love them and hate them at the same time. They are all so complicated and I can't ever figure them out. Often I find myself needing a break from them, and then just as quickly I realize I miss them all. The people in our life are placed there for a reason, though we sometimes don't know what that reason is. Some people are there to teach us patience and kindness when all you want to do is scream. Some people are there to help us through our toughest times. And just when you think you've met the weirdest person, someone comes and blows your mind. But really, people are awesome. Friends are amazing. And yes, everyone's complicated and confusing, but that's what makes life so interesting. 

Well, that's all folks. Hope you enjoyed my random mess of thoughts this week. Stay tuned for more and don't forget to share this with friends. Until next time just remember, it's the courage to continue that counts

Monday, May 6, 2019

Gratitude: Assisting in the search for love

There are a few things that unite all of us, a couple of interests we have in common. But there’s one really big one that we all share. In fact, I was at a Rangers baseball game on Sunday and looked around at the thousand people there and marveled at how different we all were. But I also wondered, is there one thing that connects us all? That everyone can relate to? I discovered that there was. It’s our search for love. We all deeply desire to be loved and know that we’re loved. Loved unconditionally, loved for who we are, loved for what we contribute. And we search for that in everything we do, it drives us and we hurt deeply when we feel the lack of it. Today I could tell you where to find that love, I could tell you that you already have it, that would be a very uplifting, optimistic, and true message. But today I want to expound on something a little more convicting to most of us: Showing that love to others. Specifically, gratitude. Because if you really think about the love we’re shown every day, we have a lot to be grateful for. If we think about the fact that everyone around you wants to feel appreciated, then maybe we’ll be more willing to show that appreciation.
We here this word gratitude a lot and commonly understand that it’s a good thing and we should be grateful. I have to ask though when’s the last time you told someone you were grateful for them? And when’s the last time you really took a minute to count your blessings? See, gratitude isn’t just an attitude, it requires action. It’s not just a mindset or a thought, it’s an expression. Being grateful is also commanded by God. 1st Thessalonians 5:18 says, “ in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” Notice this verse doesn’t say, “When things are going well, give thanks.” Nor does it tell us to simply think about being thankful. Rather we are commanded to express that thankfulness to God for everything He’s given us. We have to remember that everything we have is a gift, freely given to us by God. James 1:7 tells us, “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” Our faithful, unchanging, all-knowing Father has given us every good thing we have. Not only that, but we are told in Scripture that we have everything we need. The book of Psalms is filled with commands to give thanks to God so each and every day we must be grateful. First and foremost our gratitude should be directed to the Lord, but I think we also should be thankful for the people in our lives.
Colossians 2:6-7 says,So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.Think about it, if we’re overflowing with thankfulness, we would be grateful to the people around us. Unfortunately, we tend to be pretty self-centered. We’re often too absorbed in our own search for love to even notice that same need in others. Sometimes we don’t even recognize the value of another person’s influence on our lives, much less take time to be grateful for it. Do the people around you even know that you’re thankful for them? Honestly, people are the most important things in this world. God has placed these people around us for a reason. Make sure they understand that they are appreciated. When we look at the letters that Paul sent to the churches and to Timothy, we see his gratitude overflowing for them. We should follow that example.
When situations arise and you feel like you’re in the midst of the worst problem ever, look for things you’re grateful for. Remind yourself that you have all you need and then praise God for that. Look around you at the people who support you, help you, encourage you, and motivate you, and be thankful for them. Your focus will turn from being just on yourself to being on God and on others. Thankfulness will make your situation better at least a little bit. And in this way, the people around us who are desperately searching for love and recognition can get a glimpse of it. Gratitude isn’t just a thought, it’s a command. Live it out in your life.